Saturday, November 3, 2007

Top 10 Reasons Why My Dog Should be Our Next President:

10: If looks count for anything, he's way ahead of the human competition.

9: He is undeniably loyal, and acts only in the best interest of the pack.

8: He would give his life to defend his pack, instead of hiding like a pussy cat whenever strangers come around.

7: He lives to serve the pack, has no cronies, and can't be influenced by lobbyists.

6: He loves his job, and is ready to work 24/7.

5: His love for the pack is pure and unfailing.

4: He can learn new tricks.

3: He knows when natural disasters are imminent, and will respond appropriately.

2: He is an excellent hunter. (Just let him sniff one of Osama's socks.)

1: He is smarter by far than our current head of state.

So I urge you to consider the true independent candidate, and his choice for VP - look forward to Lucas/Yoda in 2008.